English version


una organizzazione senza scopo di lucro che:
   è Centro selezionato per le seguenti Reti Europee
1.   Europe Direct
2.   Eurodesk

B.   è Promotore e Coordinatore delle seguenti Reti Europee
3.   EURO-NET NETWORK (in questo network l’associazione ha 34 proprie Antenne distribuite in 15 differenti Paesi)
4.   European 
Governance Network
5.   Euro-net - The Youth European Network
6.   European Inclusion Network
C.   è Organismo Associato della seguente Rete Europea
8.   European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN)
D.   è Membro delle seguenti Reti Europee 
9.   European Network of Youth Centers
10.  Five Stars
11.  Media Network
12.  Guidenet
13.  European Youth Associations and Councils Network
14.  LLLClubs
15.  Euro-Med Young Artists Network
16.  Etnola Network
17.  European Federation of Mentoring for Girls and Young Women
18.  Network of African Youths for Development 
19.  Social Employers Network
20.  Ecumenical Network For Youth Action
21.  European Network Against Racism 
22.  International Development Alliance 
23.  SEEP Network
24.  International Platform for Citizens Participation NGO Network
25.  Indaba Network
27.  Anna Lindh Foundation
28.  European Consulting Network
29.  EUMED Consortium
30.  E.N.T.E.R.
31.  Common Agricultural Policy Network
32.  SME Academy Network
33.  European Learning Network
E.   è membro associato delle seguenti Reti Europee
34.  Inclues - Clues to inclusive and cognitive education
35.  U
RB-AL II Network 13 “Towns and the Information Society”
F.   è Centro selezionato per le seguenti Reti Europee
36.  United
37.  W
AVE Network
38.  South East European - Educational Cooperation Network
39.  Youth For Europe
40.  Development Gateway
41.  Global Youth Action Network
42.  Euro-Med - Youth Trade Union Network
43.  E
VS network
44.  RICK’s cafè
45.  Sezione partner del sito web della Commissione Europea dell’Anno Europeo del Dialogo interculturale 2008
46.  Youth For International Development - Global Youth Networks
47.  Virtual Cluster Initiative
48.  European Civil Resource Centre
49.  Euromobility Network
50.  ErasmusNetwork.Net
51.  European Ecotourism Network
G.   è riconosciuta come organizzazione intermediaria nel database della seguente Rete Europea:
52.  E-partenariat
H.   is selected as regional centre for the project (for people with disabilities):
53.  NavigAbile
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