English version

018. “Boat of legality”

Data: 19/01/2010

NR.: 18

DATA: 19.01.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Boat of legality”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Informagiovani Palermo (Italia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù- scambio

ARGOMENTO: Waves of legality, waves of citizenship


The “Giovanni Falcone Foundation” has organized every year since 1993 the celebration connected to the anniversary of the murder of Giovanni Falcone, the antimafia judge killed by mafia on the 23rd of May 1992. Following the example of Giovanni Falcone, whose commitment was not only addressed to counter organized crime by means of the law enforcement system but also to promote civil rights and active citizenship of young people, the Foundation has addressed its activities to mainly promote a new culture and new social awareness among young people. For this reasons, the main actors of the activities run on the 23rd of May of every year are young people and students from Palermo and all over Italy. Since few years, the Foundation has organized the so called “Boat of legality”, driving some 1.500 students from Italy to take part in the celebrations of the anniversary. The students reach Naples or Civitavecchia (Rome) by train and than get a boat to Palermo, where they arrive in the morning of the 23rd. During their journey (lasting between 13 and 16 hours), the youngsters take part in different socialization, information and awareness raising activities, getting lectures from anfimafia judges, meeting members of civic groups active against organized crime, etc. Once landed in Palermo on the 23rd, the youngsters take part in the activities connected to the anniversary (they are normally a rally in streets of Palermo, a meeting in the front of the house of Falcone – the so called “Falcone Three”, some artistic or theatre performances). In the evening of the 23rd, the youngsters leave Palermo toward Naples or Rome and than reach their homecities by train.
Financial conditions for the participants and the sending organizations.
Thanks to the contribution of the Youth in Action programme and of the Regional government of Sicily, no participation fee is required from the participants and the travel will be reimbursed 100%. Participants will be hosted for free in one youth hostel in Palermo and all local transports costs (including Palermo-Rome-Palermo) will be covered. In the end, the participants are not requested to pay any cost by themselves. The sending organizations will get the preparation costs as fixed by the Youth in Action programme guide (480 Euro).

SCADENZA: 20 January 2010

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