English version

029. "Total quality"

Data: 19/01/2010

NR.: 29

DATA: 19.01.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Total Quality"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Lukasz Machcinski (Polonia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – training course



TOTAL QUALITY is a training course aimed at developing quality of international youth projects throughout knowledge and skills improvement. This idea was born in relation with long term experiences of Polish and other international youth organizations from realization of projects such as youth exchanges, seminars etc. It was noticed that the quality of projects still should be improved and youth organizations need to work on it more. The experienced staff will lead you throughout the idea of quality starting from Plato’s quality idea, throughout the Total Quality Management so that you will be able to explore and understand what ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System. In Kashuby region, full of beautiful landscapes you will have the chance to meet people involved in initiatives in the frame of YOUTH or YOUTH IN ACTION Programme, exchange your experiences and gain new knowledge about international co-operation, creating multicultural projects and programmes, building partnerships and international conflicts management.
- to improve quality of youth projects and other international activities;
- to learn how to create, manage and implement international projects;
- to exchange of best practices and experiences gained in international projects;
- to get to know organizations which took part in YOUTH or YOUTH IN ACTION Programme or do not have any previous experience in international co-operation;
- to make new international contacts for that purpose to undertake and realize projects in the frame of YOUTH IN ACTION Programme.
- from all Programme countries;
- members, leaders and youth workers of organization experienced in youth projects of YOUTH or/ and YOUTH IN ACTION Programme;
- ability to communicate in English;
- people open to challenge!
We expect to host 25 participants.
The training course will be held from 23rd till 30th of June 2010. Participants are expected to arrive on Wednesday, 23rd and to depart on Tuesday, 30th. The course is free of charges. Board and lodging will be provided and paid. Organizers will refund every participant 70% of travel costs (based on tickets/ invoices, after the course by bank transfer).

SCADENZA: 24th of January 2010

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