English version

55. “Working for social wellness-strategies and resources”

Data: 20/01/2010

NR.: 55

DATA: 20.01.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Working for social wellness-strategies and resources”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Argonauti Società Cooperativa Sociale (Italia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Training Course

ARGOMENTO: Social Wellness


Our organization (Argonauti) is going to apply at the next deadline The Training Course will be run in May 2010 in Sicily (6 days Training Course; no age limits; 25 participants from 11 programme countries); The training course will focus on possible strategies and resources that encourage social inclusion with the help of some experts trainers and facilitators.
The Study Visit “Fighting against exclusion- focusing on experiences”, will be run in October 2010 in Sicily (5 days Study visit; no age limits;11 participants from 11 programme countries). The study visit will show some real experiences of people dealing with social exclusion to focus on good practices.
The project that includes the activities we have explained before, is directed to those active in youth work, dealing with situations of social exclusion and, more in general, of lack of fundamental rights to encourage good practices. The planned activities are meant to foster and support policies and actions for young people. Our idea is to acquire and exchange competences and contributes to promote a society that sustains and develops quality of life and equal opportunities for all especially for young people. If approved by the Italian National Agency, the training course and the study visit will have a 90% travel reimbursement for the participants. We have indeed an extra contribution from the Regional Government of Sicily.

SCADENZA: 28th January of 2010

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