English version

069. “We can stop it!”

Data: 22/01/2010

NR.: 69

DATA: 22.01.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “We can stop it!”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - scambio

ARGOMENTO: Drug addictiveness


Project Type: Youth in Action 1.1
Place: Denizli / Turkey
Duration: 9 Nights / 10 Days
APV: Yes / Possibly during the third week of June (3 days)
Financial Rules: EU Funding rules, %70 of international travel costs will be covered and also %100 of APV international travel costs as well as %100 of accommodation.
How Many People: 5 participants (aged between 15-25) and 1 team leader(can be older than 25) total of 6 people.
Who’s Eligible: Only Youth in Action programme countries

With the development of the countries and with the economical development, nowadays drug use is a very common thing among the teenagers. And as teenagers from a developing and economically progressing country we spotted too many drug using teenagers in our local area. So we wanted to develop this project to share our ideas and experiences with our peers from different cultures and backgrounds. But the main goal of our project could easily be defined as; investigation of the drug usage and with the help of our international participants we are aiming to develop a great awareness on the local decision makers. To achieve our goal we are planning to make good workshops mainly based on social effects of drug usage and the threats of drug usage to our future. Besides that we are aiming to share our cultural similarities and cultural differences in this international youth exchange.

SCADENZA: 1st February 2010

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