English version

083. “Live architecture”

Data: 25/01/2010

NR.: 83

DATA: 25.01.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Live architecture”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Jaunimo Verslo Biuras (Lituania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - scambio

ARGOMENTO: Youth exchange based on cultural and self-expression activities connected with history and architecture.


Place: Kaunas city , Lithuania
Project dates:
Preliminary date of preparation visit is: 2010-05 22-23
Preliminary date of youth exchange is: 2010-06 29 2010-07 09
This project idea is to know more about city history and architecture traditions in partner’s organizations cities. Also to make intercultural learning toroth self-expression activities.
Project will be organized in this steps:
- Visibility visit where partner will agree on main conception of the work preparing to exchange and exchange program
- Work in partners organization cities, tasks that was agreed in visibility visit (photo and video activities, preparation activities)
- Youth exchange
- Getting know each other (participants) and partners organizations
- Sharing knowledge’s and material about each other city history and architecture
- Making performance in different Kaunas city historical buildings.
- Preparing to make festival for Kaunas community and making common performance, also making photo and video show
- Evaluation and public relations
- Evaluation of the project, sharing materials and planning future cooperation’s.
14 peoples (participants) from each country + group leader
Young people from 15 to 25 years old. 30 peoples (together with group leaders)
Organizations (partners):
Organizations which are working in youth information field. Youth organizations and Organizations which are working with youth through cultural and self-expression activities. Also organizations that are connected with youth and touristic activities.

SCADENZA: 27th of January 2010

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