English version

101. Gioventù - seminario - Access to social and economic rights for all

Data: 03/02/2010

NR.: 101

DATA: 03.02.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Youth work, addressing social exclusion of young people and children with disabilities in Europe”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: "Lifelong Learning Program @ BNHRE" (Bulgaria)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - seminario

ARGOMENTO: Access to social and economic rights for all.


Access to Social and Economic Rights for All: “Youth work, addressing social exclusion of young people and children with disabilities in Europe”
Venue: Bansko, 28th February – 5^th March 2010
Hotel ‘Bansko SPA & Holidays”, Bansko resort, Bulgaria - This International youth seminar will look into the general principles and measures, designed to give children and young people with disabilities access to social rights in Europe. It will also identify those obstacles that still impede access for people with disabilities to social rights and consequently to full participation in society, particularly in the areas education, vocational training and employment, the built environment and transport, information and communication, health care and social protection. The seminar will gather youth workers and disability rights activists, who can share concrete examples of good practice, i.e. action taken by young people to overcome those obstacles. Finally, participants will draft new youth projects for development of a new approach of youth work on disability, based on human rights and partnership between different actors, involving all policy sectors and stakeholders, empowering individuals, in order to achieve equal opportunities, independent living, full citizenship and active participation of people with disabilities in the life of the community.
Methods of work:
Non-formal educational methods, using the social approach to disability and human rights based approach to the issues of social exclusion of young people and children with disabilities. We will use the methods of The COE Manual of Human Rights Education for young people, Compass, as well and other exercises that are designed in order to be inclusive for young trainees with disabilities. We will promote an open and participatory approach.
Who can apply?
• Young people with disabilities aged from 18 to 30 who are
actively working/volunteering in organizations on issues of disability;
• Youth activists involved in work on disability issues;
• Young human rights activists, working or interested to work on the problems of young people with disabilities in Europe;
• Motivated to work on human rights protection, social inclusion and public participation of young people with disabilities;
• Motivated to multiply skills and knowledge obtained to develop projects on after the seminar.
What to be prepared for?
Participants will be requested to bring with them:
• Specific information about projects and ideas to work on creativity on human rights education for young people,
• Information about the relevant topics and situation in your own
• Information, publication, leaflets, CD and video about the work
of your organization. A presentation about the organizations can last maximum 10 minutes.
• Music, pictures, drinks and food that you consider representative for your culture for the international party.
Information about travel:
Appointment will be on February 28^th , directly at hotel, before dinnertime 18.00.
Information on how to arrive to the place and the exact address of
the hotel will be send directly to participants.
Travel expenses are *_70% reimbursed_* according to the following
1. The flight’s departure and return points are the closest international airport to the participant’s usual residence,
2. The travel destination is *Sofia*. Participants are requested to arrive on February 28^th before 15.00 h.
3. The flight and/or bus is based on the cheapest fare available
in the issuing country. However travel total cost for each participant cannot exceed the amount of 350 Euro.
4. Participants from neigh boring countries can use only bus or
train transport (only second class will be covered) that can’t exceed
100 Euro.
Participation fees:
Each participant will pay a 35 EUR participation fee, which will be deducted from the tickets reimbursement.
Other expenses:
The project will provide with board, lodging, transportation and program’s related events costs. Expenses will be covered only from the date of arrival (February 28^th ) till the departure date (March
5^th ) with no exceptions. However, all participants’ personal costs (like telephone calls, gifts and souvenirs, etc.) and/or any other cost not linked to program’s events will be responsibility of the participants and will be settled directly by them on spot.

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