English version

112. "Youth that stake out their native language"

Data: 08/03/2010

NR.: 112

DATA: 08.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: Youth that stake out their native language


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – youth exchange


PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Italy, Serbia, Turkey, Azerbaijan

This project is a Youth Programmes – Action 3.1 “Cooperation with Neighboring Partner Countries” Youth Exchange project which will be carried out with participation of young people from Turkey, Serbia, Azerbaijan, and Italy. Some abbreviations and symbols that are used by young people cause degeneration in their native languages (e.g. mrb, 4u, u2, cu…). The project aims creating awareness against deformation of native languages by means of artistic activities such as theatre, short films, brochures, and posters. Language is the most important communication tool between people within various mediums. In this respect, language is earliest and the most effective communication tool which go beyond race, religion, and geographical borders. In this project, language-centered communication of participants from different countries will be executed. The activities will be implemented by 25 participants - groups of 5 (including group leaders) - from partner countries. The exchange of young people will be executed within youth meeting of 7 days in Kahramanmaras, Turkey. The young people will present short film, theatre show, brochure and posters to local public through the 10 months of project process.


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