English version

124. Gioventù - seminario "Empowering Youth Means A Hopeful Future"

Data: 09/03/2010

NR.: 124

DATA: 09.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Empowering Youth Means A Hopeful Future"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Rafail Alakbarov (Turchia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - seminario

ARGOMENTO: Disadvantaged youngsters


02 - 09 August 2010, Manisa, Turkey
Manisa Provincial Directorate of Social Services
Aim of the Seminar:
This seminar aims to raise awareness of the problems belonging to the disadvantaged youngsters and aims to find a common solution for including them in the society by encouraging them to participate in the social movements of non-governmental organizations of youth. We aim to canalise all disadvantaged youth in Europe into a good way of behaviour, thus, we will have benefits on the side of their environment.
- To develop participants’ knowledge and competence in building new relationships between majorities/minorities within the population;
- To familiarize the participants with the approaches of the manual of Human rights education and how to best use and adapt it to local context and realities;
- To address the complexity of working with minority issues in areas with a diversity of cultures;
- To create awareness about intercultural dialogue and developing communication and community development skills;
- To exchange experience in intercultural dialogue from an international perspective;
- To establish network of youth leaders on intercultural dialogue with young people;
- To promote Youth in Action programme as a tool for promoting intercultural dialogue;
- To raise the awareness about the importance of the intercultural dialogue in the European level;
- To support regional collaboration among the countries.
The methodology will include communication based methods (interaction, dialogue, open discussions), activity based methods (sharing experience, practice and experimentation), socially focused methods (partnerships, teamwork, networking) and self directing methods (creativity, discovery, responsibility, action). The overall character will be participative, pro active and interactive with a learner – centred educational approach, as recommended by Council of Europe for non formal education in youth work.
Who can participate on the Seminar:
- Over 18 years old;
- Actively involved in youth work;
- Be highly motivated to actively participate in the whole training course and to contribute to the development of future projects;
- Youth workers from Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Azerbaijan and Ukraine, directly working with young people;
- Be able to share their experience with the other participants;
- Be able to share information about their organization or institution;
- Be able to communicate on English.
Financial conditions:
Education and Culture DG will provide board, lodging and programme costs during the entire Seminar travel costs will be covered by the organizers during the seminar.
We pay % 70 of your traveling expenses and % 100 of you accommodation and food expenses.Each partner organization will be represented by 2 participant and 1 group leader .


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