English version

125. “Ice-breaking“

Data: 10/03/2010

NR.: 125

DATA: 10.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Ice-breaking“

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Carmen Martinez (Spagna)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - seminario

ARGOMENTO: Disability and E.V.S.


We are willing to organize a CMS about EVS and disability in Murcia, Spain. We will refund 70% of the travel costs and pay for accommodation and food as according to the rules of Youth in Action programme. Murcia City Council, Youth Service is planning to apply in 1st of April deadline to our National Agency for a Contact Making Seminar about EVS and disability in Murcia (Spain), so we are willing to find interested partners to participate. The aim of the project is to increase the number of EVS projects were young people with fewer opportunities. There will be organisation that host already volunteers with disability and other that would like to do it in the future. The Seminar will have a two-side structure, in one hand a place for Good Practices in EVS, young people who already had an experience of voluntary service in Youth in Action programme and who were having a disability. In the other hand EVS organisation that could be hosting or coordinating organisations for EVS.
To spread the EVS opportunities for young people with disability among young people.
To exchange good practices about disability and EVS as a tool to adapt or create EVS projects
To learn about disability in a way of integration in society, not creating a separately society but being part
As a contact making seminar it will help to organise new activities for Year 2011 (European Year of Voluntary)
To disseminate the Youth in Action programme among the local society and organisations involved
Date: November 2010
Participants: 2 per organisation, one with disability will be recommended

SCADENZA: 1st of April 2010

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