English version

138. “Different Lands, Common Tastes”

Data: 11/03/2010

NR.: 138

DATA: 11.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Different Lands, Common Tastes”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 3.1


PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Turchia,Bulgaria,Romania,Serbia,Bosnia e Macedonia

Project Name: ”Different Lands, Common Tastes”Action 3.1 Youth Exchange
Date: 04/10 October, 2010
Place: Karaman , Turkey
We will make an action 3.1 project in Karaman/Turkey and we would like to see you with us. With this project we can decrease the cultural differences among us. . If you want to show us your culture and know the others, this projects is really excellent for you. Participants will also get the chance to taste the most delicious foods from Turkey and to discover a real.. We are looking for partners from we are looking for partners from Croatia,Albenia and Kosovo Turkish Way of Having Fun. In the project the groups will prepare a multicultural common tastes. so we need youngs who cook. The place of our project is in Karaman/ Turkey. The project starts on 1t July 2010 and it finishes on 31st Nowember . Planned activities start on 18th October and finish on 27th October. The time of the activities is 9 days.
- Providing intercultural interaction among young people;
- Meeting people from different cultures and eliminating prejudices;
- Sharing and creating common points;
- Developing European dimension;
- Creating base for the projects in the future;
- Providing better communication betweenYouth Centers.
Participant profile:
- 15-27 ages
- Being able to work in English
- Have an idea for how to develop the former Group Initiative into a Networking Project
%70 of travel expenses, visa, %100 accommodation, all activities, city trip.
Active language: English


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