English version

149. “In your face – You’re not alone”

Data: 15/03/2010

NR.: 149

DATA: 15/03/2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “In your face – You’re not alone”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - scambio

ARGOMENTO: Sexual minority youth


Project dates: Monday 6th September - Sunday 13th September 2010
Hosting group: Kirkop Youth Rural Academy
Hosting country: Malta, Europe
Project description: Dear All, Rather than focusing on victimization and other horrors associated with sexual minority youth, this European Youth in Action project will provide a holistic view of the lives of the lesbian/bi and gay youths. Furthermore this project will stress on participation of all youths in every aspect of the community and it aims at including and promoting inclusion of young people. In most countries it is still legal to discriminate against homosexuals in housing, on the jobs and often in schools although youths are optimistic about what is available to them in the future. Many young people feel that being homosexual will hold them back from their career goals and many certainly plan on finding someone special, fall in love and have children. IN YOUR FACE is committed to make a partial political change and so it will focus on three major topics: homosexuality and social prejudice, homosexuality and its respective rights, homosexuality and work.Right now, in sex education the teachers don’t tell you about being gay or anything having to do with gays, only the things have to be straight. Society needs to stop putting all this emphasis and ridicule gays. IN YOUR FACE is going to put things out there for the youths; straight/lesbian/bi/gays and transgendered because we are all supposed to be so open and have such open minds, but a lot of people don’t. Even if you’re gay, it doesn’t mean you have an open mind. You may not be open to this one other person’s experience or lifestyle, but you’ve got to let other tell you their stories; get some knowledge about it before you make a judgment.
The chief theme is that of underscoring the importance that we are all equal no matter if we are straight, lesbian, gay, bi or transgendered. We need to strive for a better life in order to acheive the best non-discriminating laws and our commitment towards this project is to enhance all youths in society and generate best practices on the creation of a better, fair and accessible environment for everyone. Being homosexual is not an illness. Being gay is simply normal. There’s no out there telling each one of us who we have to fall in love, meet or dance with.

SCADENZA: 29th March 2010

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