English version

168. “Give up your habits”

Data: 19/03/2010

NR.: 168

DATA: 19.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Give up your habits”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Youth Group & Young Volunteers Association (Turchia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 4.3



Project dates: 01/09/2010 - 09/09/2010
Project location: Istanbul – Turkey
Organizer productive: Youth Group & Young Volunteers Association
Project details:
A training workshop in Istanbul on the theme entitled 'sports and
outdoor activities and consumption habits' will be organized. Money, which is seen essential for happiness, serves its function Until it reaches $13.000 profit each year. People who earn more are not always happier than people who earn less. In other words, there is not a direct relationship between 'money' and the production of well-being. We have to stop the consumption madness, and for a better quality of life, re-visit our food, water, energy and consumption policies. Self-confidence increases as people consume more. When people consume more, they feel better and happier. What is consumed, however, is the life. In this 7-day workshop, we are going to question whether it is possible to create a society that consumes less, and thereafter list the requirements for the creation of the conditions that are needed for the realization of this objective. By using the recent education methods where the emphasis is on participation, we are planning to discuss issues like transition from a hunter-gather to an agricultural, and from an industrial production-based to a consumption-based society. Research findings show that consumption madness leads into various problems. Stress is often high among individuals who consume more. Furthermore, communication problems and weak social and parental ties are more widely seen among people who consume more. As consumption increases, we see more people who are going into dept and more people who are experiencing obesity and overweight problems and sicknesses that are based on environmental pollution and genetically modified foods. In developed countries, mortality rate from heart and vascular diseases, cancer, lack of nutrition, obesity and stress related diseases is as high as 42 percent. We should create our own culture against this corrupted consumer culture, create our own values and protect the future generations from this consumption terror. Consumption madness is a sickness that needs to be cured and alleviated. We can cure this sickness if and only if we will educate societies on their consumption habits and disseminate this knowledge. A conscious consumption habit means defining the needs, learning about the goods and services that will fulfil our needs, making price-comparisons, and based on these findings, going to market with a shopping list. It means disregarding the deceptions in the advertisements and credit cards. If we are looking for a change in consumption habits of the new generation, we need to be aware of some basic facts. According to the Turkish Statistical Institute, in the year 2007, 24 219 people ended up with a divorce in Turkey. This means that every day, approximately 258 people are divorcing. A majority of these divorces happen in the first 5 years of the marriage. Some of our friends who were at their twenties went into high amounts of debt, and consequently divorced from their partners within the first 6 months of their marriage. We want to increase awareness among young people about the social, cultural and economic consequences of consumption. For this reason, we are targeting young people who are between 20 and 25 year-old. The themes that are selected for this project illustrate not only our concerns, but also the concerns of the EU and the neighbouring countries.

SCADENZA: 25th of March 2010

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