English version

169. “Homemade Ecology”

Data: 19/03/2010

NR.: 169

DATA: 19.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Homemade Ecology”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Joanna Omalecka (Polonia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 3.1



Partners: 4 countries – 2 EU and 2 not EU
Participants: 5 persons (18-26 years old) + 1 leader
Date: (10 days) 13-22.
Place: Wyludy, small village in the North-East of Poland, we will be accommodated in one house, where conditions are plain to adopt better to the project. Please sing to your participants, there won’t be any luxuries ;)
Association of Impossible Initiatives Motyka from Torun in Poland would like to invite you to the youth exchange supporting from Youth in Action Programme, Action 3.1.
Our project aims at promoting the idea of sustainability and ethical consumption. During the project we will learn and exchange views on global economy and sustainable development. Then through workshops we will develop practical skills which would help the participants to improve their awareness of ethical consumerism in their daily life and environmental issues. Workshops on self production of home use products (cleaning, health and beauty products, food and beverages, etc.) will help us to reduce consumption, reuse products and recycle materials. Workshops on sustainable cooking will encourage using local food products. Finally, in the village we will organize an eco-event where we will present our home made products, eco-dishes to the locals.
Costs: 30% of travel costs cover participants and 70% from the grant.


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