English version

178. "The Art of Robotics in Youth Work"

Data: 22/03/2010

NR.: 178

DATA: 22.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "The Art of Robotics in Youth Work"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Elica Licheva (Bulgaria)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 4.3



Place: Sofia, Bulgaria
Date:28.10.2010 – 01.11.2010
About the project
The main aim of the training course is to gather youth workers as well as experts working in the field of youth work and training from different European counties and exchange good practices on the topic of the robotics method used for training youth different skills necessary for their everyday life with modern competitive society. These important skills include:
- team building
- cooperation
- positive self-esteem
- self-discipline
- problem solving
- speaking in public for personal accomplishments
- motivation to “make the best better”
The training course is intended to also improve the youngsters’ ability to relate the abstract knowledge they obtain to the real world. This proves to be a very important ability that a young person should possess in order to be able to achieve success in his/her career and find his/her place on the labour market. However, few are the tools nowadays which can really show young people how they can actually put in application what they have learned and how important this is for their future. In this respect robots are much more comprehensive tools compared to lecture-oriented or game-based training.
The background:
Robotics is an innovative method for learning and implementing of different workshops for young people on various topics in the contemporary world of modern technologies. In recent years robots have become useful tools for the young people when trying to develop life skills of visual reasoning, problem solving, teamwork, cooperation, and self-discipline because it proves to be very motivating for youth when they see how their abstract knowledge can be transferred in real life. Robotics has been widely used in formal education in teaching STEM-related knowledge mainly in the USA. In this respect this project aims at also introducing this method in Europe and in non-formal education. It is not also to be underestimated that youth find this method a lot more entertaining and motivating than various other old-fashioned ways of training. This entertaining factor is considered a major advantage of robotics method over others more widely spread methods.
Main topics of the training course:
- Different skills developed by youth with the use of robots as training tools (problem solving, teamwork, cooperation, self-discipline, positive relationships with mentors, public speaking skills, positive self esteem, etc.)
- Youth learning with technology vs. Youth learning from technology
- How robots can engage youth in different career pathways
- Creative, critical and speculative approaches to understanding and engaging with robotics
The organizers will provide experienced lecturers and experts in the field of robotic methods, implementation, usage and
All costs related to board and lodging, program and local transportation will be covered by Youth in Action programme of the EC. 70% of the travel expenses will be reimbursed on the basis of the most economic transport fairs (APEX, student fare etc.). There are limitations for the travel expenses (ticket costs) – up to 400 Euro price of ticket.
Profile of participants:
Participants in the training course will be youth workers, youth trainers and youth leaders. Each organization is expected to send between 1 and 3 participants. Expected lecturers of robotics usage and implementation will contribute to the training course programme. The training course will show the state-of-the-art achievements of robotics methods and approaches as well as its contribution to the education system.

SCADENZA: 25th of March 2010

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