English version

186. "Information Literacy In Youth Projects" - Azione 4.3

Data: 24/03/2010

NR.: 186

DATA: 24.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Information Literacy In Youth Projects"


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course



September 23 – 29th 2010
Place: Nigde, Turkey,
The main aim of the project is to how to provide information for the youngsters to make them information literates in youth projects and youth participation also to motivate them to undertake projects that will help their communities to assume and deal with change.
The Objectives:
- To understand the importance of "Information Literacy In Youth Projects" ;
- To talk, discuss and analyze youth participation via information technologies;
- To provide information for disadvantage youngsters to increase their awareness about Youth In Action Programme;
- To use information technologies against social exclusion;
- To discover new field for active participation via information literacy;
- To give the opportunity to meet possible partner groups and to make contacts in different countries;
- To share previous experiences in deaf youth field;
- To learn more about other cultures, to know each other better.
What language we will use: Language will be English.
The project is addressed to youth workers (No Age Limit) interested in global issues and youth projects.
We are interested in only from EU member countries and NGOs who had experiences In Youth Participation and Youth Projects.
How can you participate?
- Please inform us by sending an e-mail regarding your participation;
- Send PartT III signed and stamped by fax;
- Send the Part III of your organization by post to address;
- We should get the original part III by post before 28th March 2010.
COSTS 100% of the accommodation and visa cost will be covered, according to youth program regulations.
Travel expenses: There will be a refund of 70% of the travel expenses.

SCADENZA: 28th March 2010

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