English version

189. "Youth, take your SEAT!"

Data: 24/03/2010

NR.: 189

DATA: 24.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: Youth, take your SEAT!

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: ColectivoGentes (Spagna)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – youth exchange



Dates: 1-10 August Jaén, Spain
Gentes a local Ngo based in Jaén province is looking for partners in order to organise a Youth exchange, involving Youngsters from disadvantaged background in Castellar (Jaén). Participants in the exchange will recover a public square in order to organize a theatre festival and they will organize it.
Foreseen activities :
-theatre workshops on improvisation, creative writing in order to organize a final event called "International Youth Theatre Festival, Youth Take your seat!"
-rehabilitation works in order to convert this public place which actually is "forgotten" into a new meeting point organising a youth theatre festival.
-Intercultural workshops and activities aimed to reflect on exclusion and discrimination
-some cultural trips : Granada, to the beach, etc
About Gentes: It is a cultural association born in 2003 with the aim of foster youth participation in its local area (Jaén) through raising awareness activities, volunteering and local participation and involvement of people at every level. They also organize laugh therapy and theatre workshop. An advanced planning visit is foreseen 3-4 weeks before the exchange take place.
Financial conditions: participants will get 75% travel reimbursement and the each sending organization get 480 euro.

SCADENZA: 28th of March 2010

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