English version

198. “Hell is other people. Deconstruction of otherness” - Azione 3.1

Data: 27/03/2010

NR.: 198

DATA: 27.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Hell is other people. Deconstruction of otherness”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Toros Genclik (Lituania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 3.1

ARGOMENTO: Interreligious Dialogue


22-30 July 2010, Tytuvenai (Lithuania)
Who is Organizing?
Lithuania's Youth Ramuva start to work at 1998.We work with young people, who are interested in religions and traditions before Christianity (Hinduism, Paganism). Our main topics is multiculturalism, ecology, human rights. We have pagan camp with a lot of lectures, debates, dances, traditional art studions in the nature every in August (this camp is organised from 1986 till now every year). More than 100 people is attending that camp (though majority is Lithuanians also other delegations come - from France, India, Spain, Italy, Poland...). We took part in many international projects. Youth's Romuva have traditional ritual lithuanian/baltic folklore group (so we meet at least twice a week;). As well as we organise projects under YIA program we organize traditional celebration (Easters, Christmas Eve, Solstice etc.). Both local and international levels are very important for Lithuania's Youth Ramuva.
Why Are They Organizing?
Because we feel a lack of knowledge and understandment in work of NGO in issues connected with religion and interreligious learning.
Concept of the training course:
"Hell is other people" With this quote from J. P. Sartre famous play „No exit“ we want to express xenophobia and fear of otherness in our contemporary society. Tough „hell“ in this name of the project is getting even more correct meaning than just a metaphor of an evil. “Hell” in here has a strong religious meaning also (exactly in our seminar context „hell“ preserves its primordial sense which means „opposition to heaven“). Frequently conflicts between successors of different confessions arise because of inaptitude to understand „others“ like a part of them. This antagonistic preconception, this exclusiveness to any constructive dialogue is the main reason of conflict. The name of a training course express an aspiration to deconstruct the „otherness“ in order to fight and destroy antagonism. The aim of deconstruction of otherness is to find similarities and generalities which would bring us to dialogue for creating a better solutions for our nowadays difficult situation of religion but not for creating and encouraging continuing fights. Because these fights see only one sollution – destroying their opponent, and dialogue is for creating better world all together.
Accordingly to the project philosophical concept project’s aims is:
- Fight with xenophobia;
- Improve personal competencies in field of multiculturalism and religion;
- To share experience in field of fighting with religious discrimination;
- To make friends for future projects and actions.
Because of European Union year of combating poverty and social exclusion we have some extra aims, like:
- Promoting YIA program for youth of local society and etc.
And training course’s methodology includes informal (games, parties, traveling etc.) and formal learning (lectures, discussions, presentations). In generally You will not have free and boring time. Be ready for joyful work surrounded by Lithuanian woods and lakes.
We are looking for 30 participants from 10-15 different organizations which are based in EU YIA Program Countries ( EU Member Countries, Norway, Liechtenstein, Norway) and SEE Countries. Participants should be able to communicate in English. There is no age limit. But at heart You should feel idealistic like 16 years old and experienced like in age 35.
Financial Conditions:
We will cover %100 of your visa costs, accommodation and food during the Project. We will reimburse %70 of your transportation costs from your home to Tytuvenai. Please choose the cheapest way.There is NO participation fee.


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