English version

199. “Delight your life”

Data: 27/03/2010

NR.: 199

DATA: 27.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Delight your life”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 1.1

ARGOMENTO: Sharing of foods and dances with other countries


Looking for participants from Poland and Lithuania for action1.1 project of Turkey.
Place:Izmir, Turkey.
Date: between 1th and 11th of October 2010.
Number of participants:4 participant+1 leader.
Financial rules: %100 percent of APV costs will be covered and %70 of projects international travel costs will be covered.
Project description:
The main purpose of our Project is introducing European consciousness with increasing interaction, solidarity and diversity between cultures. Basically, having a mutual idea about dance and food culture and providing an opportunity to know about participative cuntries’ cultures closely , are aimed. Consequently, increasing participative countries’ solidarity and developing consciousness of acting together are planned. Our Project which provides disappearing of bias that one of the biggest obstacles about European Union membership of Turkey, at the same time with sharing diversity of our culturel foods and dances with other countries, provide realising common points. Methods and activities that are executed are introduction and applying of culturel dances and preparation of local foods with dividing groups and they are supported by workshops. Introduction of our country are complemented by tours.
Additionaly, if you specify your cultural dance of your country you will have performed during the activity, i'll add this to the content of the project that i hope to be useful for the acceptance of the project. The last thing that i want you to do is, please let me know the price of the transportation from your hometown to Turkey, even which way dou you prefer in detail. waiting for your news.

SCADENZA: 29th of March 2010

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