English version

210. “Learn how to learn” - Training course

Data: 29/03/2010

NR.: 210

DATA: 29.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Learn how to learn”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Hanna Darafeichyk (Polonia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Exchange of good practices in the field of the teaching


When: September 2010
Where: Poland (village near Wroclaw)
How long: 7 days
For whom: persons, who work with youth having a problem in the learning.
Semper Avanti preparing a project which main idea is quality in education – improving learning process. Training Course „ Learn how to learn” is a form of the international co-operation concerning the exchange of good practices in the field of the teaching. The main goal of TC is presentation of methods of the work and provide useful knowledge about non-formal education. The TC is being directed at persons, who work with youth having a problem in the learning. Through the main aim we want to reach specific objectives. Short-term purpose, it is improving results in the learning. On the other hand long-term purpose is encouraging young people to study at school, of independent knowledge acquisition (learning process, rather than taught being) and portraying the learning in itself, as the attractive way of spending time.During his TC we want to use traditional methods of handing on to the knowledge and non-formal education (presentations, discussions, simulation games, lecture, team work).

SCADENZA: 1st of April 2010

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