English version

altre informazioni 1

Data: 31/03/2010

We also have lesser opportunities in education, work and all other social activities. That is not a problem that we use wheelchairs to get along or can’t see anything. It is a problem that society doesn’t cover our needs.
The all programme of the training course will be organised as learning through practicing. What does it mean? The participants will have the possibility to choose methods by themselves and work to adapt them ->
- Get theoretical knowledge (what you can do to make methods suitable for “everybody”, what are the problems and how to solve them, as people are different and their needs are different).
- Use the group and the new/old knowledge to adapt your chosen methods.
- “Play” adapted versions; analyze the results, correct, share, etc.
Also it will be possibility to get some theoretical and practical knowledge about accessibility and accessibility in the projects, express your experience about projects you already have made, get in touch with Independent Living and what does it means.
Training course will be facilitated by two facilitators, which are experts in Independent Living/ Accessibility for disabled people. As well there will be possibility to get in touch with experts, who are using wheelchairs or other support equipments in their daily life, etc.
There will be also possibility to get information about EU Youth In Action programme, make new contacts for Future Corporation, and learn other cultures via lot of interesting activities. (See the programme of training course). At the end adapted methods will be collected and published.
Organisational details participants profile:
1. We would like to invite to training course people, which:
- are interested to design future projects accessible for “everybody”;
- are willing to learn how to adapt non formal learning methods and use gained skills and knowledge in their future work;
- would like to get information and new skills about what really means accessible project for “everybody” in EU YOUTH IN ACTION programme;
- have already “some” experience with non formal learning methods and/or projects under EU “Youth In Action” program (as participants, organisers, trainers, facilitators, etc.);
- are able to communicate in English (The official language of the training course will be English). If participant has bad or does not have any English skills, the partner organisation is responsible for the translations during the training course. It won’t be covered by the organisers;
- are at least 18 years old;
- are motivated to be fully involved in preparation process (homework’s) and attend at least 95% of the training course.
- are motivated to take part in after training phase (evaluation, self assessment, etc.)
- coming from EU “Youth in Action” Program countries (EU + Turkey + Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland).
2. The training course is free of any participation fee. Austrian National Agency of EU “Youth In Action” program, Styrian Government Youth Department (Das Land Steiermark) and Youth In Progress Austria will cover accommodation, training course materials, meals. Participants and/or partner organisations should cover 30% of the travel costs.
3. Visa costs will be covered 100% by the organisers.
4. If participants in the training course need assistance or have other disability – related needs, they must tell us in advance, that we can organise everything to meet their needs. During the training course will be possibility to have local assistance (male and female) if it is necessary! For the participants, who are using their own personal assistant – the travel costs and accommodation for the assistant will be covered 100%.
Important information for the future participants:
1. To participate in this training course, participants should fill in application form (see in the attachment) and return it back . deadline for applications is 11th of april. the selection results will be known at 12th of april.
2. After the participant has received positive answer from organisers about the participation in the training course, participant should reserve the cheapest possible flight, train or bus (2nd Class, APEX) to Graz, Austria and back and let us to know the price of the travel costs, arrival and departure time as soon as possible. Don’t forget to keep boarding passes and tickets, and bills. 70% of the total travel costs will be refunded during the training course or transferred to bank accounts after the training course (according to the request of partner organisation or participant).
NB! Any travel and visa costs made before organisers have given positive answer about participation in the training course won’t be covered!

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