English version

213. Immigration - Azione 3.2

Data: 02/04/2010

NR.: 213

DATA: 02.04.2010


RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality (Turchia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 3.2

ARGOMENTO: Immigration


We, as Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality we are looking for one partner from EU, especially Germany, for Youth in action 3.2. programme. The other partners will be from other countries of the world like Africa, Latin America.
The summary of the project:
Connecting Immigration and Development. Fighting racism and social exclusion towards young immigrants.
Goal of the project:
The goal of this project is to raise awareness among young people concerning the phenomenon of Immigration to the sending countries of the world and the receiving countries in Europe. The knowledge obtained will contribute in decreasing racism and prejudices against young immigrants and second generation immigrants in Europe and the world. The subgoal / aims of the project. We
target to bring together young people from Turkey from which many citizens have migrated in Europe and especially Germany, young people from one EU country which has received a lot of immigrants like Germany, young people from African states from where a lot of young people keep migrating in Europe but also Latin America from where many people migrate into other Northern countries. Our
aim is to bring together these young people, young associations and young leaders from sending countries and receiving immigration countries. The participants will study in a new order the global issue of immigration and the development it brings to both sending and receiving societies. The young participants through the activities and the dissemination actions, will support cultural diversity, integration of young immigrants, bring down the myths following young immigrants in receiving states leading them to social exclusion and highlight their basic human rights.
The most important aspect of the project is exchange of knowledge, opinions and good practices Study visits to each participating country, where young participants are going to take part in preparation meetings, ponder the circumstances in each country, create meetings participating the local youth of each country. Workshops will take place where the participants and local representatives of relevant local organizations. The current circumstances for young immigrants will be acquainted and possible long and short term solutions will be proposed and applied. Training courses, awareness events and informative campaigns will be organized by each participant to its local area so that in sending societies young people will be informed for their rights and opportunities for development in their country and in receiving countries immigrants will be informed also about their rights and opportunities for development. A contact with indigenous population will be achieved.
Why it is needed?
The increase of immigration flows and difficult economic circumstances towards Europe have enhanced the distrust against youngs originating from other countries, leading to a broader marginalization of them. Our project is needed because young people , young associations, NGO’s, will come together to discuss/study this phenomenon and propose solutions and information techniques through their function, in all partner areas.


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