English version

214. "Peer Educators for Peace –PeP" - Training course

Data: 02/04/2010

NR.: 214

DATA: 02.04.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Peer Educators for Peace –PeP"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Asociatia "Tinerii Secolului XXI" (Romania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Peace education


Between 16-21 of April 2010.
Training course financed by Council of Europe through European Youth Foundation.The main theme of this project is peace education.
The general aim of the project is to empower young people to act as peer educators in peace education projects at local, regional and national level. The following objectives will ensure the achievement of the main aim:
- to train participants with empowerment skills needed to share their knowledge and competences with their peers;
- to give participants the opportunity to adapt and enhance their existingcompetences and knowledge in promoting peace education;
- to equip participants with basic mediation skills for use in peer education process;
- to create space for exchanging local project experiences and plan future projects on peace education field.
The training course is based on the principles and practice of non-formal education and is conceived to allow a learner-centered approach taking into account the needs, interests and the experiences of participants. Communication between participants and mutual understanding will be encouraged in order to enable participants to exchange their knowledge and competences and reflect upon them. The group will be used as a resource for the learning process taking into account individual and group learning. Additionally there will be some theoretical inputs on the given topic, addressed to the group on an interactive way. A diversity of working methods will be used for learning about the role of the ‘coach’ and the approaches for supporting peace education in order to ensure a balance between theoryand practice.
How many participants: 26 young people from (Romania 4; Croatia 2; Bulgaria 2; Bosnia and Herzegovina 2; Greece 2; Italy 2; Latvia 2; Montenegro 2; Serbia 2; FYRO Macedonia 2;Belarus 2; Austria 2.)
Organizers will cover 70 of participants travel expenses, food and accommodation. Participantshave to cover 30% of their travel expenses to Romania. A participation fee of 15€ will be deductive from reimbursement of participants travelexpenses.

SCADENZA: 8th of April 2010

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