English version

216. “The Secret Treasure of Lydia” - Scambio

Data: 06/04/2010

NR.: 216

DATA: 06.04.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “The Secret Treasure of Lydia”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Zehra Tekelioglu (Turchia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 1.1

ARGOMENTO: Cultural interaction


Project place: Salihli/Manisa, Turkey (The city that has the secret treasure of Lydia)
Project date:15-21 November,2010
Our group that Works in Manisa is has started to explore the lives of Lydians who discovered the first coins , in their original living space and trying to eternize and carry on the spirit of explatory Lydians in a different way that tries to embalm ,explain and present in a real way.Our group was founded in March 2010 by Ali Dindar upon his studies eploring the lives of Lydians. Our group that keeps on its studies in Manisa,has gained the chance of discussing and explaining this topic in different places with the interactive presentations and the outputs and also we had the chance of introducing our outputs to the local press of Manisa.Our group desires to share the mystical lives of Lydians with the youngsters from different cultures and countries.Our group consists of 6 members who are 18-28 years old. Above all our communication coordinator Eralp Tüzüner has managed to make our group work voluntarily in different places and eplain our project to the local pres and so on in Manisa keping in touch with the local civil society organizations .In case of the approval of our project,we have the support of Manisa Governership EU Support Office. The aim of our project is to create a socity insight that has no discrimination for the diversity ,respect for the honour and uses the dialog as a tool fort he cultural interaction .Our main principle is to create an understanding between the youngsters just to add information about the historical development and value of the money to their own treasury and also make them have information about Lydian Civilasation as we hope. Our group gains more and more information and output day by day by exploring the historical backround and the appreciation procees of the object that we use to buy new products everyday .With this concept we are in the belief that we can manage to gather people who live in different countries and cultural spans in a rather different culture with the explatory spirits of Lydians to create a sustainable project.We hope to share these outputs in different portals end our project with our partners conclusively.


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