English version

221. "Our voice matters" - training course

Data: 13/04/2010

NR.: 221

DATA: 13.04.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Our voice matters"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Iris Ditulescu (Romania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù- training course

ARGOMENTO: Advocacy and forum theatre


If you are young, dynamic, and speak English fluently, if you want to explore a creative way to raise awareness on your community issues, your place is with us! By filling in our Application Form, you will have the chance to be one of the 24 selected participants from Romania , Serbia , Lithuania , Italy , Azerbaijan and Macedonia , who will take part to the training course held in April-May, 2010, in Romania. Only 2 participants will be selected from Romania !!!
A. Short description of the program
The program aimes at increasing the capacity of youth organizations from 6 countries to initiate and implement advocacy activities in partnership with local stakeholders in order to solve critical issues for their communities and constituencies by using creative tools such as Forum Theatre. 24 representatives of youth NGOs from the following countries: Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Lithuania and Italy, 4 participants/ country, will be selected to attend a training course which will focus on improving the capacity, knowledge and skills in partnership and coalition building, design and conduct of advocacy campaigns and the use of a creative instrument, Forum Theatre. 2 organizations selected through a competitive process will be supported to organize 2 Forum Theatre events in order to raise awareness on critical community issues and identify potential partners and coalition members.
B. Conditions for participation and Selection criteria
Conditions for participation
In order to be eligible for attending this training course, the participants will have to meet the following criteria:
- between 18 – 30 years of age ;
- Working for/with an organization that will enable them to apply the acquired skills;
- Interest in learning about Advocacy and Forum Theatre;
- Commitment to cover 30% of the traveling costs. FPDL, with the financial support of Youth in Action program will cover all expenses related to training, materials, accommodation and meals and 70% of travel costs.
The criteria used for the participants’ selection are the following:
a. Committment to use acquired skills and knowledge, clear follow-up ideas;
b. Gender, geographic and country balance;
c. English language skills.

SCADENZA: 21st April 2010

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