English version

226. "Rural vs. Urban Lifestyles: a Youth Environmental Perspective"

Data: 10/05/2010

NR.: 226

DATA: 10/05/2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Rural vs. Urban Lifestyles: a Youth Environmental

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: João Bacalhau (Portogallo)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù in azione – azione 1.1



Associação 5 Elemento is preparing an application for a youth exchange (for the next deadline, June 1) under action 1.1 of the Youth in Action programme. Location: Pegões and Setúbal, Portugal
Date: November 13 to November 21, 2010
Partners: From programme countries (EU countries + Turkey + Iceland + Liechtenstein + Norway).
Participants: 5 participants (aged 18-25 years old) + 1 leader (no age limit)
Summary: The exchange will take place between November 13 and 21, 2010 with 36 youngsters from 6 different countries. It will be composed by 4 main moments where the youngsters will experience 2 completely different ways of living:
1) 3 days in a rural area (Pegões), where the youngsters will contact
with the people, habits, professions and the lifestyle. Outdoor
activities there will allow the group to be closer to nature.
2) 3 days in a urban area (Setúbal), intended to let the participants
feel the rush of a city. Again, they will contact with people, habits
and professions.
3) 1 day reserved for debating about the pros and cons of each
lifestyle, and ways to promote a sustainable development that
integrate the best of each.
4) A final conference with experts in the frame of sustainable development.
The goal is to observe the advantages and disadvantages of living in those two distinct areas, keeping the quality of live, assuring
environmental protection, health, etc., from the perspective of young
peope (through their personal experiences).

SCADENZA: 20th May 2010

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