English version

231. “Europe in motion - diversity means YOU!”

Data: 12/05/2010

NR.: 231

DATA: 12.05.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Europe in motion - diversity means YOU!”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: NGO Mostar Friedensprojekt (Germania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - scambio

ARGOMENTO: Antiracism


In the frame of the programme Youth in Action we will apply for the following project proposal (Youth Exchange): in regard to nationalistic and racist tendencies and the overall rise of populist and nationalist political parties and movements in overall Europe the project will gather youth from different European countries. The exchange is aimed to encourage their participation, e.g. through voluntary actions in public life and to facilitate their potential as active and responsible European citizens against nationalism, racism and xenophobia in their local communities and overall Europe.The project is planned to be realized in cooperation between youth from EU programme countries and will take place in Potsdam, Germany 10th -19th of December 2010. We are looking for partners from programme countries which are active in the fields of diversity, integration work, local/ neighbourhood / community work. In case you are interested to support the action and to become a partner please fill the partner agreement (partIII) and send it by FAX (or as picture, scanned version by email) AND please immediately by usual postmail.


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