English version

234. “The answer is the equality”

Data: 17/05/2010

NR.: 234

DATA: 17.05.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “The answer is the equality”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – azione 1.1



We have a project proposal held in the beginning of October 2010 and Preparatory visit in September 2010 . This Project will take place in Olympos, Kumluca, Antalya. The place was known as a centre of the ancient Lycia. In the mythology Lycia was the the home of the gods and godnesses against discrimination, and the gender difference. The project was prepared to show the necessity of the equal rights and functions of males and females. Our aim is let the youngsters beware of the functions of the women and men in the economical or social life in all Europe, and let them be aware of this functions. In this project, Program countries will take place.Each group will bring 8 participant and 1 coordinator. The genders will be equal and we will have 20 boys and 20 girls. All activities will be focused on showing the necessity of the gender equality. The activities will be held on Letoonia, Xsantos, Olimpos, Chimera ancient cities. The importance of the Godnesses in Mythology will be stressed. Photo Safaris will be done and at the end of the project an international night will be organised and the participant countries will exhibit their pictures which they took during the exchange. We will Facilitate the equal participation of those yougsters within the project who have a special need, learning difficulty or Statement. The inclusion of students who have social disadvantage. To assure equal chances for girls and boys. We will promote intercultural activities games and/or counter action racism and xenophobia the aim is to know different cultures, understanding and toleration. All taken actions are to know and understand better.To simplify the participation of young people that are in unfavourable social, economic or another situation. This participation will be supported To assure the participation of less opportunities and possibly special needs. To join in students at risk of social exclusion, yougsters with special needs and migrants.


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