English version

236. “Give A Hand For Poverty: Fight against poverty

Data: 17/05/2010

NR.: 236

DATA: 17.05.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Give A Hand For Poverty: Fight against poverty
through human rights perspective”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – training course



CEIPES, International Centre for the Promotion of Education and Development is glad to present its next project about a building Partnership Activity in collaboration with the Youth in Action Programme (Action 4.3). As all of us know, our world is confronted with poverty and human rights violation. Every 1 of 3 people are suffering from poverty. This rate is increasing day by day. According to World Sustainable Development Summit in 2002, half of the world’s population have been living with under 2$ income. Many children die every day due to the consequences of poverty. In every part of world, many people are faced to violence and violation of human rights.This project aims to manage something for the other people who need us. Participants from different countries will have chance to investigate social exclusion and poverty, differences and inequalities between people and perceive what exactly human rights are. And also, they will discover the causes and consequences of poverty, try to supply better condition especially for young people who have limited facilities. At the end, every participant will be aware of human rights, the effects of poverty on communities and social exclusion; so they will have a chance to explain this to their own communities. One of the main tools used/promoted during the course will be the Compass. The foreseen activities are: Compass activities, seminars, round tables, debates and group discussion activities, simulation and artistic workshops about Human Rights, poverty and social rights. We have responsibilities for the other people and so, we cannot be blind and deaf for the needs of others.
Venue: Mersin, Turkiye
Duration: 9 days (included travel days);
Dates: 4 – 12 October 2010;
Partners: Programme countries;
Participants: Youth workers and volunteers working (or planning to work) in the field of human rights and poverty with youth and adults - No age limits;Economic conditions: Participants should pay the 30% of the own travel – all other costs are covered by the project.

SCADENZA: 20th May

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