English version

239. Latest Fashion 3R – Recycle, Reduce, Reuse - Azione 1.1

Data: 19/05/2010

NR.: 239

DATA: 19.05.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: Latest Fashion 3R – Recycle, Reduce, Reuse


TIPOLOGIA: Azione 1.1

ARGOMENTO: Ecological education


We are Timis County Youth Association, from Timisoara Romania and we want to apply a project for 1th of june deadline. Here are some detailes about the project:
Title: Latest Fashion 3R – Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
Date: 20-28 september 2010
Location:Timisoara/RomaniaGroup: 5 person (4 participants - age 18-25- and 1 group leader - no age limit)
The world is passing through a hard period. So as the Earth. And the Earth made us all, raised us and fed us, asking nothing in return. But us,humains,with our kindness and inteligence, decided to reward it and to show it what we can do, so the Earth to be proud of us. And we started to build, to discover, to invent and to make Earth more beautiful, until one day we became gealous, money lovers, and we destroyed, poluted, cut trees ... and we forgot about Earth still caring and feeding us. Earth doesn’t have the power to hold us much longer! It’s time to make a change. It’s time to remember those good times in peace and harmony. The change is in us and as long as we can spread the news through projects we still have a chance to make things better.Ecological education is a national priority in this moment and through this project we want to align to all the ecological forces in the world and little by little to start to change.
Our objectives are:
1. Raising awareness about the ecological issues in the world.
2. Promoting the 3R(Recycle, Reuse, Reduce) as a way of life.
3. One ecological action.
The objectives will be reached through interactive seminars, recycle and reuse workshops, visits to institution and ngos from the ecological field, etc.

SCADENZA: 28th of may 2010

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