English version

242. “Building Seas of Excellence: The Power is Yours!” - Azione 4.3

Data: 22/05/2010

NR.: 242

DATA: 22.05.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Building Seas of Excellence: The Power is Yours!”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: João Bacalhau (Potogallo)

TIPOLOGIA: Azione 4.3

ARGOMENTO: Environmental


Location:Galé Beach, Grândola, Portugal.
Date:October 2 to October 10, 2010.
Organizations with experience / interested in environmental management of coastal areas. Only organizations based in programme countries with sea / ocean are eligible to be partners.
Participants:1 or 2 participants (no age limits) / partner.
The aim of this PBA is to gather environmental NGOs to address the specific challenges of seas / oceans preservation, coast line
protection and beach cleaning. The project will focus on:
- Experience-sharing: the do's and dont's on coast line protection projects;
- The contamination cycle – the case of sea plastic islands;
- How to successfully link the upstream (sea polluters) and downstream (waste treatment and recycling industries) of the pollution chain;
- Design strategies to engage the civil society, municipalities and
public institutions in coast line protection projects;
- Workshop on How to Clean a Beach – the case of "Brigada do Mar" voluntary team;
- To build a pilot project that could be trialled in coastal countries.
How to apply to be a partner:
Send an email.
- A short description of your experience / interest on this subject and how you can contribute to the project;
- What is your nearest airport and cost (per person) to reach it from
where you live (round trip);
- Cost estimation for a round trip ticket between your nearest airport
and Lisbon airport;
- Your fully filled part 3 (you can find the template enclosed)
(alternatively, part 3 can also be sent by fax).
The deadline to reply this call is Thursday, May 27, by the end of the day.

SCADENZA: 27th of May 2010

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