English version

249. “No limit” – Azione 4.3

Data: 09/06/2010

NR.: 249

DATA: 09.06.2010


RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Kolcsar Veronica (Romania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 4.3

ARGOMENTO: Training for youth workers working with young people with physical disabilities


We are looking for participants from Romania, Hungary and Czech Republic for an approved training (Action 4.3) which Outward Bound Romania organizes in Sovata, Romania, 1-10 July 2010.
Above you can find information about the program, and attached there is the enrollment form. Deadline for sending enrollment forms is June 14.
NO LIMITS – Training for Youth Workers Working with Young People with Physical Disabilities
Short description of the project:
The 9 day training course is organised for youth workers and trainers with outdoor experience from the following countries: Romania, Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Belgium, Portugal, and will take place in Sovata, Romania, between July 01-10, 2010. The purpose of the training is to learn specific and professional training methods and to develop the proper skills in order to be able to work with young people with physical disabilities. Because of their disabilities, these people are often socially excluded. Through our course we intend to train and to specialise a number of 24 youth workers who will be able to deal with the specific problems of this target group. By gaining the proper skills and knowledge, the participating trainers and youth workers will be able to raise awareness about the impediments met by people with physical disabilities in social life. They will help them in the future to become self-confident and to involve themselves in the society as active citizens with equal rights. This training will empower the participating youth workers, who already have outdoor experience to organise themselves trainings and different activities, exchanges, personality development measures for people with physical disabilities. In order to achieve the objectives of this training experiential education techniques and non-formal education methods will be used, including activities such as workshops, role-plays, problem solving, outdoor activities and techniques like expedition, ropes course and debriefings. Professional expertise in the field of working with people with physical disabilities is assured by Outward Bound Germany.
Participants profile:
Youth workers with outdoor experience, with good communication level in English.
Participation fee: 50 Eur/person
All expenses regarding accommodation and meals, activities, equipment, are covered by the organizers. 70% of the travel expenses will be covered as well.
Kristina Wetter - Outward Bound Germany
Iringó Vargancsik - Outward Bound Romania

SCADENZA: 14th June 2010

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