English version

252. "Youngsters of Europe" - Scambio

Data: 15/06/2010

NR.: 252

DATA: 15.06.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Youngsters of Europe"


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Scambio

ARGOMENTO: Awareness on art and culture


We have an approved project which name is "Youngsters of Europe" action 1.1 Youth Exchange Project. The dates of the project is 03-11 August 2010 and the venue of the project is Bursa, Turkey.
This project bring together of the youngsters from different European countries. From each partner organization there will be 4 participants and 1 leader. Total number of the participants and leaders are going to be 30 people. Aim of the project is create awareness on youngsters about art and culture. Contribute to strengthening the dialogue between different cultures and promote values such as tolerance to different. By the project activities youngsters are going to practice different kind of art like painting, percussion, theater and traditional arts. Performing dates of the project 03 to 11 August 2010. There will be intercultural learning games, historical trips and visits at the daily program. All the partner organization will be responsible of the program.
The reimbursement will be made according to the rules of Youth
Program. 70 % of the travel costs will be reimbursed upon tickets,
invoices, boarding passes, etc. We need to receive all original travel
proof documents. Please, buy two way tickets.
- The policy of our NA is that taxi costs are not reimbursed. Please,
use the public transport and keep all tickets. The travel costs and visa costs will be reimbursed on the basis of the most economic transport fares and on presentation of the relevant receipts and original tickets.
- All accommodation and food costs will pay by the organizer.
- We are not responsible for the costs of the medical insurance.
- There is no participation fee for the project.
Intercultural dimension:
Project language will be in English. Every country has materials that
would reflect their own cultural properties in the preparation stage. Materials and documents need to compose of local music, dress,
dance, cuisine and tradition will be brought together.
Follow-up and Evaluation:
It is very important to keep in touch with all the participants after the
project. Communication details of all participants will be shared. Before the end of the project, ideas to improve the project collectively and individually will be discussed. A survey will be done for participants and leaders on the last day of the project. Thus we will be able to reach more detailed ideas. Every participant will receive a youth pass certificate.


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