English version

257. “Are we sensible enough?” - Scambio

Data: 01/07/2010

NR.: 257

DATA: 01.07.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Are we sensible enough?”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Scambio

ARGOMENTO: Disabled people

PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Lituania, Lettonia, Romania e Polonia

We are organizing a Youth Exchange under Youth in Action Programme. It will be held in Ankara and Kizilcahamam, Turkey. The project will be organized between 12-19 July 2010. The project is open to disabled people. It aims at increasing the sensibility and understanding towards disabled people. We will enjoy the project together with disabled people. During the project we will also have the chance to do some excursions in Ankara. Each country will participate with 4+1 people to the project. The participants need to be between 18-25 years old. For leader there is no up limit. According to the YiA Programme, we will reimburse the %70 percent of travel, %100 percent of visa and insurance. All the accommodation cost and activity cost will be paid by us. The reimbursements will be done at the end of the course as cash by hand.


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