English version

258. “6 Country, 6 Culture, 20 Dances, 1 Europe” - Scambio

Data: 05/07/2010

NR.: 258

DATA: 05.07.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “6 Country, 6 Culture, 20 Dances, 1 Europe”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Scambio

ARGOMENTO: Folk dances


“6 Country, 6 Culture, 20 Dances, 1 Europe” is a youth exchange about folk dances. We, group Gasparyan, will organise this youth exchange with our partners from European Countries. It will be held on 23-30 July 2010. Our partners and participants are interested in folk dances and they are performing folk dances both voluntary and a few professionally. They are open to intercultural dialogue and want to learn new cultures and lifestyles. We will try to tell about the the happiness , sadness and important events in our histories with the help of folk dances. Our project will have great help in learning cultures and countries. At the end of the project the dances will be collected in a booklet and these dances will be performed in a presentation with local NGOs, participation of representatives of formal institutions and media. Folk dances symbolizes the movements of cultures of different people .Hip hop dance culture has been widespreaded quickly with populer culture for example; hip hop in Ameica is the form of transferring swear of black skinned people into music and body language against injustice they faced and torture. There are many different folk dances which tell about different cultures’s happines beside sadness and important events like hip hop cultures expressing happiness and sadness with body language and music even though it is hard to express with much struggle. Each country will be 4 participants (between 18-25 years old) and 1 group leader (no age limit for the leader) will participate from each country. We from Turkey will be 6 participants +1 leader. Do not forget to arrange your travel in the most economic manner. And the max travel cost is 450 Euro. We are going to pay %70 of your travel cost in Mus by cash in Euro. You will be in Mus during 23th July and leave in the morning on 30th July 2009.We are sure that we will have a very enjoying course with you. We will stay at the center of the city and have many interactive workshops during these 8 days.
Information about
Methods: based non-formal education methods
Working language: English
Profile of participants:
From partner countries
18-25 years old
Basic English skills
Note: The participants must be the members of any non- governmental organization (NGOs), youth organization, etc.
Dates and venue of the meeting: 23-30 July 2010
You should be in Mus during 23th July and leave on 30th July 2010. If you want to stay for extra days please inform us before you buy your plane tickets.
Costs: 70% of travel cost and 100% of the accommodation and visa cost will be covered, according to youth program regulations. The max travel cost should be 450 Euro.


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