English version

262. “The life adventure” - Scambio

Data: 10/07/2010

NR.: 262

DATA: 10.07.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “The life adventure”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 1.1 - Scambio


PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Romania, Grecia, Bulgaria e Turchia

Our approved project seeks urgent Greek Partner. If you don't want to miss this opportunity please write us as soon as possible.
Here are some information about our Project ;
Location : Osmaniye (The Mediterrean Region of Turkey)
APV date : 16-17 July 2010
Project date : 31 August – 7 September 2010
Who will participate: A group of people5 people = 4+1 (4 participants between 18-25 years old and 1 leader with no age limit.)
Some of our activities :
- Visiting the Zorkun plateau up the mountain where is really cool when it is 45 celcius down.
- Visiting the next city to axplore around.
- Representing your country in National Nights.
- Visiting the NGOs around and workshops with them.
- Many useful and enjoyable workshops .
- Lots of outdoors and indoors activities.
- Lots of games and fun.
- Visiting the Mayor and presenting him gifts.
What do we cover:
We are going to pay 100% of transport + accomodation + food + visa for APV
And 100% of accomodation +food+ visa for Project and 70% of the transportation costs for Project.
Budget for Greece
APV Budget Greece : 330 €
Project budget Greece: 1650 €


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