English version

263. “Spirit of Burgas” - Scambio

Data: 13/07/2010

NR.: 263

DATA: 13.07.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Spirit of Burgas”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Club for Active Citizenship Association (Bulgaria)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Scambio



Club for Active Citizenship Association is organizing a music project
this summer in city of Burgas (Black sea shore), Bulgaria and we need participants from Ukraine and Hungary. "Perforge" is a project for youth music master classes running in parallel with the summer festival "Spirit of Burgas",12 - 21 August 2010, in the Sea garden of Burgas city, Bulgaria. It brings together 8 young bands from Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia And Ukraine to participate in 8 days of intensive master classes, concerts and intercultural exchange. The project's heart is a one-week workshop in music management and European youth project possibilities for the band managers. Meanwhile the bands will attend master classes of established musicians during the day, participate in jam sessions and benchmarking with each other, and "warm up" the festival concerts at night in front of the festival's diverse international audience. Lower and upper age limit for the participants is resp. 15 - 28 years old. The accommodation will be in Burgas city, on the Black sea coast of Bulgaria. Accommodation and food are covered 100%, transportation costs - 70%. The rest 30 % of the travelling costs should be covered by the participants. Each of the partner countries should send 2 bands of total 8 young people, 1 music manager and 1 representative of the partner organization in the relevant country. All applications should be sent via e-mail to not later than 19 July 2010.
Selected bands would be asked to send:
1. Short presentation of the band;
2. Demo track;
3. Logo/Symbol, if available, via e-mail to us not later than 19 of

SCADENZA: 19th of July 2010

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