English version

269. “Rural Youth Connect 2 YIA” - Training course

Data: 21/07/2010

NR.: 269

DATA: 21.07.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Rural Youth Connect 2 YIA”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: NGO “ORO – Sustainable Rural Environment” (Serbia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: To motivate young people to take a more active role in their community

PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Bulgaria,Bosnia-Erzegovina,Albania,Ungheria,Slovacchia e Serbia

The venue place: Zenta, Serbia
Date: between 15th and 22th of August, 2010.
NGO “ORO – Sustainable Rural Environment” from Novo Orahovo, Serbia is organizing a 6 days Training Course so called “Rural Youth Connect 2 YIA” where 24 interested youth
from 6 countries will participate.
The theme of the training course is:
- To bring together youth workers from small NGOs from rural and distant areas without big experience with YIA Programme;
- To deepen knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to better plan, organize and implement YiA projects;
- To contribute in developing high quality and innovative projects in Youth in Action Programme.
We want to motivate and encourage youth workers and leaders form these areas to support young people to access and participate with Youth in Action programme and to help them generate new ideas, as well as give them the motivation to start new activities.
The main aims and objectives of the training course:
- is to motivate youth workers in rural areas, urban problem zones or geographically isolated areas to support youngsters to be informed and actively involve with Youth in Action programme
- to help them to discover the Youth in Action programme
- how to motivate young people in their area to take a more active role in their community
- to learn and share tools and ideas for motivating young people
- to explore the power of non-formal learning and Youthpass
- to exchange of experiences, knowledge, skills and attitudes
- to be aware of importance of cultural diversity in local, regional and international level
- initiation of a profound discussion on essential components of rural youth work (e.g., ideology based organisations, voluntary youth work, participation, community work and networking)
- partnership building and gaining new ideas
Eligible countries:
Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Hungary and Slovakia
Who can participate in the training course?
- above 18 years old;
- youth workers, youth leaders who work with young people in rurally areas;
- ready to take part in the whole training course;
- be able to communicate in English.
Financial conditions:
The food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizers.
70% of travels costs will be reimbursed.
There is 10 EUR participation fee!
If you are interested in what was presented above, please fill-in application form and send it to us by e – mail.

SCADENZA: 30th of July 2010

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