English version

271. “Act Green for the Danube, Act green For The Delta” - Scambio

Data: 22/07/2010

NR.: 271

DATA: 22.07.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Act Green for the Danube, Act green For The Delta”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Scambio

ARGOMENTO: Environment and European cooperation

PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Germania,Austria,Romania,Slovacchia,Ungheria e Bulgaria

Location: Sulina - Romania
Date: 28 July – 5 August 2010
“Act green for the Danube – Act green for the Delta” is a Youth Exchange developed through the Youth in Action Programme, Action 1.1 which will take place in Sulina – The Danube Delta, Tulcea county, Romania. The project unites 24 youngsters from 6 Danube countries: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, who during 8 days will debate the issues of Environment and European cooperation. Facilitator for this will be the great river Danube which will help us raise awareness among these youngsters of a wider, European identity. It will increase the young participants’ self-confidence and stimulate them to take action for the environment of their community. Another focus of our project is raising awareness of and increase knowledge about interrelation of local and global environmental problems and the symbiosis between humans-nature-health, through the environmental damage the Danube and Danube Delta are facing. We aim to develop intercultural learning and foster mutual understanding and solidarity between young people in the 6 Danube countries, to shape their aptitudes for active citizenship. Our methods in achieving these results are based on non-formal and informal education techniques and stimulant activities which promote cultural diversity, critical thinking, self-development and initiative.
What To Prepare:
- There will be an “Intercultural evening” during the project. For this, please bring some traditional meals, candies, drinks, flag or other national symbols and some prospects about your countries and region. Also you can tell us some interesting things about your country. We will also like to see a presentation of your city in particular and your country in general.
- A short presentation of your group and NGO-s. It can be with pictures, a movie, a power point presentation, or anything else. We will need this for introducing the participants and the NGO’s.
- You have to prepare a presentation or a video , or whatever you think it is appropriate for the theme of Danube and Delta Danube.
- One evening we will enjoy a theme-film night, so you are invited to find some interesting short movies or presentations about Danube or Delta Danube, that you find close to our debate. It would be perfect if they will have translation or if they are in English.
- For the traditional dancing evening, your group has to prepare one or more little traditional dances. Don’t worry if dancing it’s not one of your talent, it’s not our talent either. :P if you have some costumes it will make things just perfect. Also if you have some guitars or musical instruments, you are invited to bring them with you.
- In our boat trip on Delta Danube, every group will have to take some photos or to make short movies presenting interesting aspects about Delta Danube. For this we kindly ask you to have a photo camera and a laptop with you.
- we want all participants to have a little dictionary with the main expressions and words in each language, so you should help us translate some words that we will send you.
What language we will use: English.
All the expenses such as lodging and programme costs will be provided and paid 100% by grant from the Romanian National Agency. However it is recommended to have a disposal for your own pleasures and souvenirs.
We have a budget for the travel costs. According to the restrictions of the Youth In Action programme we can only refund up to 70% of the travel cost, if the following points are fulfilled:
• have chosen reasonable and economic means of transportation (e.g. APEX or student fares for flight tickets, cheap airlines, 2nd class trains
• You have a receipt or invoice for the cost of your plane ticket and all the boarding passes or the train/bus tickets.
• We also cannot refund any expenses that has been done before 14st July 2010.
• If you go by plane and book an e-ticket please send us a copy by email
There is a lump sum 480 Euro set for every organization´s preparational costs. However we are living in a times of economical crisis and according to the rules of our National Agency we will refund you only those expenses that were made for reasonable purpose connected with the project (such as insurance, food and drinks for the intercultural evening) and you will be able to declare them with a receipt. It is compulsory for all participants to have travel insurance covering the duration of your stay in the Romania, including the days of your arrival and departure.


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