English version

273. “Quality in Action” - Training course

Data: 27/07/2010

NR.: 273

DATA: 27.07.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Quality in Action”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Laimonas Ragauskas (Lituania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course



Activity date: 5/09/2010 – 12/09/2010
Venue place, venue country: Lithuania, Daugirdiskes
Context of the project
We (Kurybines Raiškos Centras) already collected quite rich experience in youth work and youth projects. However, these experiences remain often within the youth group or organisation. We do care of quality in projects and youth work, and we know our partners care too! We would like to explore the best of our and partners’ practices of Youth exchanges, Youth Initiative or Youth democracy projects within Youth in Action programme by identifying core factors for ensuring quality of projects. Furthermore we would like to learn from each other how to make it better in the future for the sake of reaching objectives of the projects and the youth work in general. We also would like to share the outcomes of the training course with wider European community, involved in youth work and non-formal learning by creating video(s) and educational report. We believe it will help ensuring quality of what we and our colleagues do in European youth work.
The aim of the training
To ensure implementation of high quality of Action 1 (Youth for Europe) projects in the future within and outside the established partnership in Europe.
Specific Objectives:
1. To reach common understanding of quality demands for Action 1 projects: 1.1-Youth exchanges, 1.2-Youth initiatives and 1.3 Youth democracy projects. (Understanding of Quality)
2. To identify and exchange the greatest experiences and core success factors of ensuring high quality in formerly implemented Action 1 projects. (Best experiences)
3. To identify the extent to which a quality in projects helped to achieve its’ objectives and contributed to the quality and longer-term impact of youth work within the participating organisations. (Meaningfulness of quality)
4. To enable participants to create visions and strategies of implementing perfect qualitative youth exchanges/youth initiatives/youth democracy projects. (Visions and strategies for Quality)
5. To disseminate outcomes of the training course by:
• inviting other organisations and groups to the open “Quality in Action Fair” during the training course;
• creating educational report and educational video about ensuring quality in Action1 projects;
• spreading these products to youth organisations, trainers, NA’s, SALTO RC’s for the use in their educational or information activities. (Dissemination)
6. To exploit the results by using the created products in activities (workshops, seminars, training courses, counselling, etc.) of organisations, participating in this project. (Exploitation of results)
The methodology of the training course is based on several approaches, focusing on positive thinking, creativity, participants-led open and structured discussions, etc. The course will be a journey through identifying our successful and qualitative experiences from Youth in Action (Action 1), exploring meanings of quality aspects, identifying core success factors for reaching quality, creating visions and means for integrating quality aspects in the youth project. The idea is to share our insights, lessons and experiences to the broader world and that’s why we foreseen open fair afternoon as well as dissemination products like video and report on ensuring quality in youth exchanges, youth initiative and youth democracy projects.
The draft programme is provided at the last page of this document. The programme will change depending on particular needs and contributions of participants.
Working language: English
We ask 30% contribution of your own international travel costs. Board, lodging, programme and 70% of your travel costs are covered by "Youth in Action" programme.
Requirements for participants and partner organisations:
• Mixed group from one organisation: 2 people, who are ready to share their own experiences from implementation of Action1 projects and 2 others could people, who still need to gain more understanding about quality of Action 1 project.
• Participants should be directly working with young people (youth leader/youth workers) and youth projects
• Ready to collect good practices before the training and share them during it
• Committed to share the outcomes and created products after the training course with other youth workers within their organisation and region.
You will find registration form on the next page. Please fill it in and us by e-mail.

SCADENZA: 30th of July 2010

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