English version

274. “Educated but unemployed,a controversy” - Scambio

Data: 29/07/2010

NR.: 274

DATA: 29.07.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Educated but unemployed,a controversy”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Scambio

ARGOMENTO: Unemployment


The project aims to address this controversial issue and intends to utilise the project work as a tool in tackling the question of unemployment in general,and the above-mentioned aspect in particular. The main theme of the project is entirely compatible with the annual priorities of 2010.The duration of the preparation phase is 3 months,and the duration of the activity is 7 days.The seminar will be held in Kocaeli with the participation of partner countries from 20th June - 26th June 2011.
The objectives of the project are as follows:
• To give the participants a chance to reflect on the situation in their countries and exchange information and views about their respective countries.
• To raise social and intercultural awareness,develop solidarity and promote tolerance, foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries through exploring cultural diversity.
• To encourage young people from different countries to get actively engaged in an issue of mutual interest and take active role in identifying the causes,considering measures and possible solutions.
• To explore further means of extending the project work beyond its lifecycle,probable partnerships in future projects(follow-up)
• To enable young people to express themselves as active citizens and acquire a sense of interculturality, responsibility and social involvement.
• To award young people with Youthpass to prove that they have been involved in a Youth in Action project.
The following program priorities are considered by the project: active participation of young people,European Citizenship and cultural diversity,( young people from different countries will gather to reflect on a theme of mutual interest and become aware of their similarities despite the apparent ethnic,linguistic and religious barriers, permanent priorities) unemployment(resulting in poverty and social exclusion,annual priority).

SCADENZA: 1st of September 2010

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