English version

276. “Time machine” - Scambio

Data: 30/07/2010

NR.: 276

DATA: 30.07.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Time machine"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Yesilbaglar Mahallesi (Turchia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Scambio



We are looking for partners from all the european countries
Location: Turkey-Gaziantep
Duration: 11.02.2011/20.02.2011
Participants: All programme countries
Age range: 18 – 25 years (no limit for the leader)
Group : Kum Saati
Language level : At least pre-intermediate level of English
Gender ratio: Boy and girl ratio must be balanced Below you can find a short description of the project and its objectives.
Cost :
Accommodation and food costs are covered by the organization as well as the 70% of travel cost for each participant (while 30% of travel cost should be covered by participants themselves)
Applications :
Please send us your stamped and signed partnership agreement (PART 3)scanned by e-mail . Original Part III send by post.
The project:
Time is passing quickly. For the time being, children of past becoming youngsters of today, today’s youngsters are becoming old people of future. While the World turning around, we neither can bring our childhood back nor prevent aging. All we can do is, enjoying today. “ Time Machine” project aims to communicate three generations which are children, youngsters and older people. While they are spending time together, they will enroll their experiences, dreams so that we be stopping conflict of generations. “Time Machine” project will achive in Gaziantep from six country with thirty two participants . Project will length nine days. In this time manner, society for protection of children, people from retirement home and the youngster participatory will get all together. When we get the end of the project we all go planting. Thus getting together of generations, will become a tradition.

SCADENZA: 10th of august 2010

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