English version

277. Ashure (Noah's Puding) - Scambio

Data: 17/08/2010

NR.: 277

DATA: 17.08.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: Ashure (Noah's Puding)


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Scambio



Project venue : Istanbul/ Turkiye
Project date : 09 - 17 April 2011
Project : Asure,getting sweet and salty tastes together quite contrarily,is the most complex,contrary and sophisticated dessert in the world. It is believed that Asure is the first meal made on earth after Noah flood.Asure symbolizes ethical values such as abundance, cure, unity, making it much from few, unity of opposites and multiculturalism. Furthermore, it emphasizes that the life is shared with the whole people on earth and if only the shared life is protected , the existence can be sustained. Istanbul is the city where people from different nations and different religions could live together in peace for many ages. It was the capital city of many big civilizations such as Rome ,Byzantium and Ottoman Empire and was decorated with their masterpieces. It is still a center that Christianity, Judaism and Islamism can be lived in a harmonious way. We are aiming at making people from different religions,sects, races,political views and coming from different parts of the world together around that a plate full of blessing in the center of Istanbul,Sultanahmet Mosque, even if it is for a couple of days.We pretend the world as Asure. In this sense, we think that people from different cultures are the sweeteners who give this taste.We want to convey the value of this unity via Anatolian cultural heritage symbolized with Asure.
Target group : Aged between 16 - 30 from All Europan Countries.
Participants : 6 Participants + 1 Group Leader = Total 7 Participants
Cost : Accomodation, food, activities %100; Travel expences %70; Visa %100

SCADENZA: 30th of August 2010

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