English version

278. "Nature's PLAYING her last card!" - Scambio

Data: 17/08/2010

NR.: 278

DATA: 17.08.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Nature's PLAYING her last card!"


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Scambio

ARGOMENTO: Environment and european citizenship


Manisa Municipality Youth Center is pleased to invite you in a Youth Exchange titled as "Nature's PLAYING her last card!" to be implemented in our beautiful city, near Izmir, at the Aegean part of Turkey.
Project date : 14th - 21st March 2011
Youth Center belonging to Manisa Municipality, is trying to establish a democratic platform which has respect, sharing ideas, finding solutions, improving decisions and taking effort to solve any problems. Youth Center have experiences in organizing and participating both in international and national projects. Objectives of Youth Center is to support youth in their intellectual, cultural and physical development, create necessary conditions for full involvement of youth in social-economical, political and cultural life of the society and realization of their creative potential creation of the information-analytical database of youth field, promote participation of youth in the policy implementation and various types of social youth activities.
The Youth Center organizes cultural, artistic and sports activities and also tries to help young people to solve their problems without expecting any award recompense. Youngsters can participate in some courses such as Computer, English Courses, Dance, Crafts, Aerobic, Step, ...etc.
Besides these activities Youth Center :
- Spreads methods of non formal education,
- Supports NGOs in their initiatives,
- Works with regional youth by means of collaboration and networking,
- Finds partners and enlarges the collaboration as well as exchanges of experiences with foreign and international youth organizations,
- Develops volunteer movement,
- Develops informational communicative technologies,
- Develops mechanisms for the youth in social, political, economical and cultural participation, capacity building of organizations, and training for the youth workers.
It significantly aims to act as a "voice" for the mother nature in our Global Life. Participants will be involved in role-plays and the workshops will totally consist of environmental awareness by means of the perspective, European Citizenship.

SCADENZA: 20th of August 2010

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