English version

285. "Together for Europe!" - Scambio

Data: 24/08/2010

NR.: 285

DATA: 24.08.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "Together for Europe!"

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Ileana Mustata (Romania)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 1.1

ARGOMENTO: Cultural diversity and intercultural tolerance


Place : Sibiu, Romania
Date : 23th July and 08th August 2011
We are a Romanian cultural non-governmental youth organization. We prepare a project proposal on "Youth in action" Program ( Action 1- "Youth for Europe", Sub-Action 1.1- "Youth exchanges"), called "Together for Europe!". We want to organize a multilateral youth exchange and we want to submit this proposal on September 1st dead-line. We are gladly to invite you to participate in this interesting project and be our partners! Our project will consist in organizing attractive and enjoyable intercultural activities. These will be intercultural evenings, theatre and carnival, cultural discoveries, multimedia projections and interactive round tables. During the project, the youngsters will have the opportunity to discover the cultural diversity of the European countries and to maintain an active dialogue with other young people from different cultural backgrounds. Also, they will learn more about their cultural traditions and customs. With this project, we intend to promote the intercultural dialogue and the mutual understanding among young Europeans. We want, also, to promote the various cultural traditions and customs belonging to the European cultural communities. Also, we propose to develop among young Europeans a feeling of tolerance and acceptance of different cultural traditions. Through the proposed activities, we want to contribute to overcoming the cultural barriers between young Europeans and to combat the prejudices against different ethnic groups. Also, we want to promote the fundamental European values among these youngsters. We believe that cultural values represent a bridge between young people from different corners of Europe.
The main theme of our project is the European cultural diversity. The secondary theme is the intercultural tolerance.
Project activities will take place in a number of cities considered cultural symbols of Europe. These will be Sibiu (Romania- 2007 European Capital of Culture), Rome (Italy), Athens (Greece) and Vienna (Austria). The activities will take place in July and August 2011.
The participants will be 4 young people aged 18-25 years from each partner organization and will be accompanied by a group leader (no age limit).
We are looking for partners from European Union countries. You can send the preliminary partnership agreement (The Part III) scanned, signed and stamped at the addresses mentioned above. In this moment isn't necessary to send the Part III by post, only by e-mail (scanned, signed and stamped).

SCADENZA: 26th of August 2010

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