English version

294. "The young people in war for human rights" - Training course

Data: 25/08/2010

NR.: 294

DATA: 25.08.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: "The young people in war for human rights"


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Human rights


When: May 2011
Where: Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia
Young people throughout the world, especially in Europe often have generously supported the benefit of human rights, education for human rights. In times of fascism and totalitarianism were very young at the head of protests and demonstrations against the repression. Associations and youth organizations have always played a crucial role in the rapprochement and encourage young Europeans to strive for their rights. International non-governmental youth organizations have always created their work status, and built solidarity among young people - in Europe and beyond. This work is based on the ideals of solidarity, cooperation, peace and human rights. Time is that this experience and work prosirimo the most youth in Europe and to learn to appreciate human rights, both on this continent and elsewhere. Should understand that their action can help protect the human rights of all humanity. It is also the task for the whole of Europe .
• Education of the youth leaders from NGOs about human rights and combating violence against minorities
• Intercultural and interreligious education trough two workshops done by the Compass program of the Council of Europe
• Applying learned things by the local youth leaders in their own environments
• Development of participation of young people in building the region
• Aggregation of young people (community and action)
• Development of the network of the groups of young people as main holders of the activities in the region
• Promotion of the mutual respect, tolerance and understanding between young people with different racial, social, cultural and religious background
• Spreading ideas about need for respect, protection and advancement of the human rights and freedoms
• Getting to know young people with different areas of human rights
• the creation of new partnerships and/or YOUTH IN ACTION projects,
• the improved quality of YOUTH IN ACTION projects,
• the promotion of the YOUTH in ACTION programme,
• the inclusion of young people with less opportunities into the YOUTH IN ACTION programme,
• the skills, qualifications and personal development of the participants,
• the innovative character of your working methods, themes and target groups.
One of the most important educational tasks of this project is learning about human rights and promotion of human rights.
From each organization of two participants. There are no restrictions on age. Please send travel cost for Serbia (Belgrade)


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