English version

306. “Global Education in Local Youth Work” - Training course

Data: 30/08/2010

NR.: 306

DATA: 30.08.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Global Education in Local Youth Work”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Antonija Lelas (Croazia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Human rights education and sustainable development

PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Croazia, Italia, Turchia, Slovenia, Lituania

The training course “Global Education in Local Youth Work” is gathering 23 participants from 5 countries: Croatia, Italy, Turkey, Slovenia, Lithuania. The project is being held on Island Ugljan and lasts 7 days.
Target group of this training course are active youth workers interested in promotion of global issues and global education in their everyday work in local communities.
This course aims to achieve the following objectives:
• To discuss, explore and identify the different approaches of global education; mainly global citizenship, intercultural learning, peace education, human rights education and sustainable development;
• To develop competences of the trainees to be able to use global education in youth work;
• To share methods and examples of good practice of global education implemented on local, national and international level by participants;
• To develop a common understanding of how and when to apply different approaches on Global Education;
• Create the community of Global Education practitioners to engage people as global actors in their work;
• To explore the possibilities of the Youth in Action program as a tool in use for the promotion of the Global Education;
• To develop more projects and activities, on local level and within the Youth in Action Programme, that are aimed at raising young people's awareness of everyone’s responsibility as global citizens in their everyday work.
the training course is based on the pedagogical understanding of the Council of Europe and he European Commission Partnership Programme and our own experience. The training course will follow the non-formal education approach. A combination of different creative and interactive methods will be used by the training/facilitating team and designed upon the profile of participants. The course programme and contents are organised to allow for the maximum participation of the group using active and participatory methods.
The language of the training course will be English.
The participants should fulfil the following criteria:
• Age above 18
• Willing to get involved in projects with global education in local youth work
• Able to work in English
• Willing to share the new knowledge with the members of their organization once they get back
Able to attend the entire duration of the course

SCADENZA: 31th of August 2010

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