English version

308. “RLB-TC Removing Linguistic Barriers in English Training Course” - Training course

Data: 31/08/2010

NR.: 308

DATA: 31.08.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “RLB-TC Removing Linguistic Barriers in English Training Course”


TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Removing the linguistic barriers in English

PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Italia, Francia, Slovenia, Grecia, Turchia, Portogallo e Spagna

Dates: 6th November 2010 – 12 November 2010
Place: San Rafael, Segovia, Spain
Target group:
youth workers, people working in NGOs, associations, local authorities or governmental services, involved in the Youth in Action programme, who feel that their lack or weakness of practice of the English language is a barrier:
• in their effort to network and build partnerships
• to present and explain the reality of their organisation and their work
• to prepare efficiently a project with their partners
• to express clearly their objectives, aims or wishes…
Group size:
24 participants from different European countries which belong to the South Cooperation Network (SCN): Italy, France, Slovenia, Greece, Turkey, Portugal and Spain. There could be also the possibility to open this call to other National Agencies which are interested to send participants.
Aims and objectives:
• to give the participants enough confidence in using English to develop European projects under the YiA programme
• to improve their practice in English related to international youth work
• to understand intercultural situations in international team work and partnership
Programme elements:
• concrete exercises related to international youth work (for example, presentation of your organisation, elaboration of a youth exchange programme, phone calls with a partner, etc.)
• knowledge and vocabulary of the European Youth in Action programme
• basic grammar and general vocabulary to survive in an English speaking environment
• exercises and simulation games on intercultural teamwork
• focus on speaking English
• short and varied exercises
• both individual work and small groups
• The participants will receive the reimbursement of their travel costs from their National Agencies.
• The other costs regarding the stay during the training course will be covered by the Spanish National Agency.

SCADENZA: 17th of September 2010

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