English version

310. “YoU-Turn” - Training course

Data: 02/09/2010

NR.: 310

DATA: 02.09.2010



TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Increase youth participation

PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Belgio, Estonia, Grecia, Portogallo e Romania

Dates: 21- 28 October 2010
Place: Estonia, Estonia
The training course yoU-Turn empowers motivated young people with attitudes, knowledge and skills which enable them to increase youth participation in their local communities and wider in order to act for a change for better in our lives and in the world.
Target group:
Young people, Youth leaders, Youth workers youth activists, educators
For participants from: All Youth in Action programme countries
Group size: 27 participants
If yoU are aged between 18 and 30 years (with possible exceptions)
During 7 days a group of 27 enthusiastic young people from 5 European countries will meet in the beautiful and mystic Estonia.
Course Aim & Objectives:
The aim of the training course “yoU-Turn” is to offer you a space where you can explore yourself and the group allowing you to better understand the complexity of interrelations in our societies and, based on these realizations, create your vision and action plan for change.
The objectives outlined below give you an insight to the pedagogical principles and flow of the programme that will be used. In this course you will have time, space and support to:
• reflect on yourself, your surrounding environment and others in terms of interdependency, impact and influence;
• get more motivated, feel inspired and strengthen your confidence to become an active agent of change;
• visualise the change that you desire with an emphasis on its potential impact;
• enhance your skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for active agents of change,
• focusing on your own strengths and weaknesses;
• explore possibilities for sharing with, attracting, reaching and involving others;
• create realistic actions planning that will be followed during and after the training course.
• Participants profile:
Methodology of the Training Course:
The training course is designed as a set of mutual learning situations in which the participants will have the space to experience and reflect upon the diverse experiential exercises and discussions held during the training course. The course will require an active participation and engagement on individual and group level. Our methodology is based on non-formal learning methods, experiential learning and a participatory approach.
Travel expenses are reimbursed for 70% of the actual costs made (upon presentation of the relevant receipts) according to the rules and the procedures of the Youth in Action Programme of the European Commission. You must opt for the cheapest travel possibilities. Food, beds and all other nice surprises will be covered by the organisers. There is no participation fee!
Working language: English

SCADENZA: 12 of September 2010

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