English version

313. “Living Without Wasting” - Azione 4.6

Data: 06/09/2010

NR.: 313

DATA: 06.09.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Living Without Wasting”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Fatih Durmus - Aymerilette Zafindranday (Turchia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Azione 4.6



Project abstract:
The Project will focus on youth aged between 18 to 26. The Project’s main objective is to develop cultural understanding between youth “in Europe.
About reuse:
- What is reuse?
Overtime, objects that we are using become useless and called wste. Reuse is giving a second life to objects that is no more used. Before throwing them, it is essential to think if they can be served to other people. It is possible to exchange, repair or give them. It is also possible to divert the objects from its original purpose with a bit of work and imagination and this is the principal aim of “ Living Without Wasting” Project.
- Why reuse?
1- By reusing, we support the creation and maintenance of art productions.
2-“REUSE” is an oportunity to support local employment and economic development:
The practice of reuse contributes to the creation of local jobs, promoting training and help the integration of those who are low-skilled. It also helps preserve many of know-how at risk, highlighting the crafts by repairing and creating. Reuse can be practiced by everyone wishing to give a second life to their objects which became unnecessary.( or useless).
Project description:
The Project named “Living Without Wasting” is destined for youth from Europe, with arts skills or those have willingness to improve their art skills aged between 18 to 26. Priority will be given to youth with few financial opportunity. Secondary items will be collected to be re-used then a public announcement will be achieved. Before coming to the host country, youth participants will come together and examine the Project. They will be asked to find a definite topic so that all needed materials (clothes, glass, papers, plastics etc.) can be gathered before their arrival at the host country. This Project will enable youth to develop their creative minds, to better use their leisure time and to be more aware about their role in protecting the environment. This activity will also strenghten cultural understanding between youth from different countries. At the end of the Project, participants will be given the opportunity to present their work to awake public awareness.
The main objectives are:
1- Helping young people to develop their skills so that they can spend their spare time in a decent way.
2- Developing Cultural understanding:
Opportunity will be given to youth from different countries in Europe to strenghten their friendship through dialogue and cooperation.
3- Awakening youth awareness about environmental issues:
By reusing old items, youth would have chance to reduce waste and save the planet.
KOCAELI Büyüksehir Belediyesi ( KOCAELI Metropolitan Municipality)


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